Pau's Art
Invented Landscapes
With a brush I paint directly from my head to the canvas and have rarely used photos. That´s why I call it art. Sometimes images pop up in my head. Other times those images brew in the back burner after I've seen something that has drawn my interest. I usually end up creating in my mind a realistic image that I can visualize at will. Then I try to transport it with my hand to the surface to be painted. I start drawing to get closer to that image. Using imagination, reason and logic I keep inventing and adding to the sketch. Then I paint on top of that drawing. When it's finished, I`ve created the illusion of a place with things and a story in it. I've created an imitation of a continent and a content, a fake space and time. Truly what appears in your eyes is my mind and motivation. I make magic. It's a trick.